7 Perfect Reasons to Ask for Kredittkort or a Credit Card

Unlike some 100 years ago, when cash was the only payment method, today we have a wide variety of options. Cash still is king, be there are other ways too – credit cards, debit cards, checks, smartphone apps, cryptocurrencies, etc.

If you live in a modern society like most of us, you surely use some of these methods. Most people get a debit, or a credit card immediately with the bank account they open. Although they both have their pros and cons, it seems like the credit card is the better solution.

In this article, we’re talking more about the popular kredittkort or the credit card option. We will explain why it’s best to own one, and what are the benefits coming from having it. Follow up if you want to know more details about them and what are the reasons for purchasing if you don’t have it.

1. Getting bonuses for spending

When you own a credit card, you’re automatically qualified for getting bonuses for spending through it. This is a motivational idea coming from the financial institution that issued the card to make you spend more.

In general, these companies are going to provide a chance to win a one-time award that you can use any way you want by passing a particular limit of spending during the month, quarter, or year. Additionally, there are all kinds of different motivational games. Some of them are quite popular.

You surely heard of flying miles club, getting groceries discounts, and similar actions that you can win by spending money. It’s wise to look at the card issuer and see what they offer. You might find amazing benefits here, and there’s nothing to lose.

If you spend regularly, this will only come as a plus. A lot of people are not aware of this benefit, so they spend, but never get the rewards from it. You don’t want to be that person – always check what the credit card issuer offers, and make the best of it.

2. Better safety than other payment options

Unlike debit cards, credit ones work on a much different platform. When you use these, you don’t spend the money immediately like with the debit. With the debit, every payment on the POS or the ATM is directly affecting your balance.

That gives the chance for thieves to clean your account if they breach it. They can order just about anything off the internet, or take the money on the ATM without anyone asking any questions. It’s not the same with a credit card.

When you have this one, your balance stays intact until you officially release the money that you already spent. There’s sort of a grace period between the actual payment and the bank withdrawing the funds. That’s the best part about them – you can pay for stuff in emergencies regardless of the balance.

In other words, if you notice suspicious behavior, you can call the bank and tell them that your card is stolen or the account is hacked. They will stop the transfer and activate an investigation. If it is needed, the authorities will also be involved, giving you a chance to save your money from theft.

3. Gives you a chance to change your mind about a payment

Similar to what we explained in the previous point, you can use the grace period of the transaction for moments when you change your mind about something. A common situation in which people use this option is when they purchase something and realize that the item isn’t fitting the description.

For example, let’s say you had a contractor building a fence. You paid them after they finished the job, but the fence fell two days later. You withdraw the transaction, and the contractor isn’t getting their money until they get the job done right.

Another example is buying an item, like a TV set. You pay for it, but the TV isn’t working. The seller isn’t getting the money until they deliver a new TV that is going to work properly. This is a great way to keep entrepreneurs honest and helping.

4. Getting an insurance that is automatically approved

When you make an agreement with a bank for having a credit card, you automatically get insurance for it. This is something most users don’t even know, but the bank or the financial institution issuing the plastic will want to protect themselves from frauds just as you would.

That means you’ll have some benefits for this too. You will probably get car insurance, travel, product warranties, and other similar stuff. In case something goes wrong, you should freely call the issuer and ask them what your options are in situations like these. You might be surprised by the benefits you have and how well you are protected by just owning a credit card.

5. You can pay anywhere on the planet with a credit card

One of the best things about them is that you can pay anywhere you go without having any kind of problem. The issuer will most certainly have an agreement with local banks all across the world. They get the job done because their clients are worth the efforts.

Even faraway third-world countries won’t give you trouble to pay with it, and if there are not POS terminals, then there will surely be an ATM or a bank where you can easily withdraw the funds and enjoy your workdays or vacation.

6. Your credit score doesn’t mind when you need money fast

When you need a big amount of money, you usually ask for a loan from a lender. If you own a credit card, you don’t have to do this, you just withdraw the money from an ATM. Of course, there are limits, and you can get out a million dollars just like that, but the point is that you don’t need to have a particular balance on your account to be eligible for getting more.

The lender isn’t going to inspect your credit score and won’t decline if it is low. Let’s say that you want to make a wedding and you need more money. The credit card will cover the expenses without a problem. You don’t have to do anything special. Learn more about what a credit score is on the link.

7. Cash Back options

Another reward option that some people love is the cashback option. This is a project that some banks take to another level, so if you like it, look for those that provide a higher percentage of cashback. The whole idea is to get money back on your account after you paid in particular stores or for some services.

The more you spend, the more you’ll get back. Some banks provide cashback benefits of up to 6%, which means that you’ll get $6 for every 100 spent on some products. It may not seem like too much this way, but think about it, if you spend $10.000, you get $600 to use as you want them. Let’s say that you spend this amount over 3-4 months. It makes it over $1200 per year, and this is a great catch.